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Create Date May 11, 2017
Last Updated May 11, 2017

The attached analysis is recommended reading for Nantucket residents. The zoning requested for the proposed single-family development described in this document is Restricted Suburban (RS). The proposed 369.90-acre development is proposed to include a maximum of 1,480 dwelling units (4 units per acre). The requested zoning of RS is consistent with the currently adopted Future Land Use Plan of College Station. Utilizing this intensity, the analysis carried out is the most conservative approach for the site since the holding capacity of the site is anticipated to be less due to required detention, roadways, and parks. The current concept shows under 1,000 overall units. The proposed development is expected to generate approximately 14,086 trips per day. During the AM peak hour, 278 inbound trips and 832 outbound trips are anticipated. For the PM peak hour, 932 inbound trips and 548 outbound trips are anticipated.

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